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SGE-365-2-1200 05000C OMRON SGE-365-2-1200 05000C

Country: JAPAN
Market price: U.S.$ 0
(The following are the market open price not sales price!)
OMRON SGE-365-2-1200 05000C
Action mode alarm contact: lock, a contact.
Category: with fault recovery after the reset confirmation circuit.
Relay number: 3.
Relay circuit unit suitable for centralized alarm device of various control circuits.
MYA combination of multiple MY4 micro power relay, with all kinds of alarm function OMRON SGE-365-2-1200 05000C.
Small, socket type, so it can effectively use the space, repair, maintenance and other operation is simple and convenient SGE-365-2-1200 05000C
By use, roughly divided into 4 types, to adapt to the full range of models.
Lloyd standard certified products (MYA-LA12, -LB12). Output: SPDT.
Lighting: Non-lighted.
Pushbutton colorsymbol: R: red, Y: yellow; PY: pure yellow
G: green, A: blue; W: white; B: black *2 OMRON SGE-365-2-1200 05000C.
Item: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Separate Construction with.
Cylindrical 16-dia. Body.
Miniature design of 28.5 mm, the smallest class in the industry.
Detachable Switch.
The same contacts can be used for both standard loads and microloads.
Easy-to-wire terminal arrangement.
Certified for EN 60947-5-1 OMRON SGE-365-2-1200 05000C. Contact type: Standard load (250 VAC, 3 A; 30 VDC, 4 A).
Operation: Alternate operation (Self-holding) .
Case color: Light gray.
Output: DPDT.
Lighting: LED; 24 VDC.
Pushbutton color symbol: R.O.G.W.
Large Square-bodied Lighted.
Pushbutton Switches.
Excellent operating sensitivity.
Excellent illumination with even surface brightness.
Three-color models (green, orange, red; chameleon lighting).
included in lineup. Item: Five-pole Surge Killer Unit.
Protect 61F Controllers Against Lightning.
A high-capacity protective device to protect against induced,
lightening damage.
Used in locations that are susceptible to induced lightening,
damage, such as elevated water tanks and high-altitude,
locations. Output: DPDT.
Lighting: LED without Voltage Reduction Unit.
Operating voltage: 5 VDC.
Pushbutton colorsymbol: R: red, Y: yellow; PY: pure yellow
G: green, A: blue; W: white; PW: pure white SGE-365-2-1200 05000C.
Item: Alternate operation (Self-holding).
Separate Construction with.
Cylindrical 16-dia. Body.
Miniature design of 28.5 mm, the smallest class in the industry.
Detaachhable Switch SGE-365-2-1200 05000C.
The same contacts can be used for both standard loads and microloads.
Easy-to-wire terminal arrangement.
Certified for EN 60947-5-1.
SGE-365-2-1200 05000C Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link: /searchDownload.html?Search=SGE-365-2-1200 05000C&select=5

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