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Home >> Price >> OMRON >> OMRON G7L-2A-BUB DC48 G7L-2A-BUB DC48
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Country: JAPAN
Market price: U.S.$ 0
(The following are the market open price not sales price!)
Classification: For output.
Internal I/O circuit common: NPN (– common).
I/O points: 8 output points.
Connector Connection Models that.
Allows Easy Connection to Sensors and Output Devices.
Sensors with easy-to-wire connectors are easily,
attached or detached.
Connects to 2-wire sensors.
Remote teaching of the Sensor Terminal is possible OMRON G7L-2A-BUB DC48.
with the PLC by using output signals of the Sensor Terminal G7L-2A-BUB DC48
DIN track mounting and screw mounting are available. Model: C200H-DA004.
Input points: 8.E32-T15XB type: standard type; resistance to twists and turns,
Specialty: plane shape,
Shape / detection distance (mm): 900; 680; 450 (180),
Bending radius (mm): B; R4 OMRON G7L-2A-BUB DC48.
Standard test object (minimum test object) (mm) 1: 1 (0 . 005),
Fiber element for meeting diversified needsName: e-CON Connectors.
Specifications: Inputs/Outputs;
8 inputs /8 outputs; PNP;
Without Short-circuit and,
Disconnected Line Detection.
"Easy" and "Flexible" system expansion,
with linked CC-Link and CompoNet.
Branching is easily made with CompoNet OMRON G7L-2A-BUB DC48.
Wiring material cost can be reduced.
Bit-level I/O distribution reduces,
wiring in the system .
A wide variety of CompoNet Slave Units,
contribute to system size reduction.
Seven-segment Display on the Gateway Unit,
helps to detect errors on site.
The Participation Flags and Communications,
Error Flags can be checked at the Host,
Controller to detect the location and,
content of the error. Unit classification: CJ1 Special I/O Units.
name: Position control unit.
Specifications; Control method/Control,
output interface:Open-loop control by pulse,
train output/Open-collector output;
Number of control axes : 2 axes.
No. of unit numbers allocated: 1.
Current consumption: 5V, 0.25A; 24V, --.
Standards: UC1, CE.
High-speed, High-precision positioning,
with 1, 2, or 4 axes.
Versatile functions and superb performance,
enable the construction of compact,
high-performance machines.
With its ultra-compact size of 31 × 90mm (W×H),
this highly space-efficient Position Control Unit,
(PCU) enables up to 4 axes of motor control.
Number of beams: 48.
Protective height: 1440mm.
Safety Light Curtains with Durable,
Impact-resistant Body and Long,
20-m Sensing Distance.
MS/MSF4800A Advanced Series.
Programming and Diagnostics Module (PDM) makes it easy,
to set functions .
Seeries connection is possible only with the MSF4800A G7L-2A-BUB DC48.
Blanking can be set.
Muting is possible only with the MSF4800A by using the,
MS4800-RM6 Resource Module.
MS/MSF4800B Basic Series,
Features all necessary basic Safety Lightt CCurtain functions G7L-2A-BUB DC48.
Series connection is possible only with the MSF4800B.
Programming and Diagnostics Module (PDM) makes it easy,
to set functions.
G7L-2A-BUB DC48 Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link: /searchDownload.html?Search=G7L-2A-BUB DC48&select=5

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