High performance price ratio standard type proximity sensor.
Standard cable protector.
The new DC two-wire type.
Non polar proximity sensor.
Type: DC three wire / connector type.
Shape: non shield, M8.
Detection range: 2mm.
Output configuration: NPN.
Action mode: NC. Contact type: Microload (125 VAC, 0 OMRON MK3P-S AC48. 1 A; 30 VDC, 0.1 A).
Operation: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Case color: Black.
Output: SPDT
Lighting: LED; 24 VDC.
Pushbutton color symbol: R.O.G.W.
Large Square-bodied Lighted.
Pushbutton Switches.
Excellent operating sensitivity.
Excellent illumination with even surface brightness.
Three-color models (green, orange, red; chameleon lighting) OMRON MK3P-S AC48.
included in lineup. Output: SPDT .
Lighting: LED without Voltage Reduction Unit.
Operating voltage: 5 VDC.
Pushbutton colorsymbol: R: red, Y: yellow; PY: pure yellow
G: green, A: blue; W: white; PW: pure white.
Item: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Separate Construction with.
Cylindrical 16-dia. Body.
Miniature design of 28.5 mm, the smallest class in the industry OMRON MK3P-S AC48.
Detachable Switch.
The same contacts can be used for both standard loads and microloads .
Easy-to-wire terminal arrangement.
Certified for EN 60947-5-1. Appearance: Shielded, M30.
Sensing distance: 15 mm.
Output: NPN.
Model: Operation mode NO.
Aluminum and Iron Both.
Detectable from Long Distances. Name: Expansion Units MIL Connector type.
Specifications:Digital outputs; 16 outputs; NPN;
One Expansion Unit can be mounted to one,
CRT1-VAD02@@D or CRT1-VDA02@@D Analog I/O Slave Unit.
Standards: --.
"Easy" and "Flexible" system expansion,
with linked CC-Link and CompoNet.
Branching is easily made with CompoNet.
Wiring material cost can be reduced.
Bit-level I/O distribution reduces,
wiring in the system.
A wide variety of CompoNet Slave Units,
contribute to system size reduction.
Seven-segment Display on the Gateway Unit,
helps to detect errors on site.
The Participation Flags and Communications,
Error Flags can be checked at the Host,
Controller to detect the location and,
content of the error. Output: DPDT.
Lighting: LED (with built-in reduced-voltage lighting function).
Operating voltage: 100/110 VAC/VDC.
Pushbutton colorsymbol: R: red, Y: yellow;; PY: pure yellow
G: green, A: blue; W: white; PW: pure white MK3P-S AC48.
Item: Alternate operation (Self-holding).
Separate Construction with.
Cylindrical 16-dia. Body.
Miniature design of 28.5 mm, the smallest class in the industry.
Detaachhable Switch MK3P-S AC48.
The same contacts can be used for both standard loads and microloads.
Easy-to-wire terminal arrangement.
Certified for EN 60947-5-1.
MK3P-S AC48 Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link:
/searchDownload.html?Search=MK3P-S AC48&select=5