Contact type: Microload (125 VAC, 0.1 A; 30 VDC, 0.1 A).
Operation: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Case color: Light gray.
Output: DPDT.
Lighting: LED; 24 VDC.
Pushbutton color symbol: R.O.G.W.
Large Square-bodied Lighted.
Pushbutton Switches.
Excellent operating sensitivity.
Excellent illumination with even surface brightness K3GN-NDC-L2 24VDC.
Three-color models (green, orange, red; chameleon lighting)
included in lineup. Output: SPDT.
Lighting: Incandescent lamp.
Operating voltage: 5 VAC/VDC.
Pushbutton colorsymbol: R: red, Y: yellow; PY: pure yellow
G: green, A: blue; W: white; PW: pure white.
Item: Momentary operation (Self-resetting) K3GN-NDC-L2 24VDC.
Separate Construction with.
Cylindrical 16-dia . Body.
Miniature design of 28.5 mm, the smallest class in the industry.
Detachable Switch.
The same contacts can be used for both standard loads and microloads.
Easy-to-wire terminal arrangement.
Certified for EN 60947-5-1. Capacity: 350W.
Output voltage: 5V.
Output current: 60A.
Low investment and high efficiency, shocked the market K3GN-NDC-L2 24VDC.
350W single group output switching power supply.
Protection type: short circuit / over current / over voltage / over temperature .
Forced air cooling with built-in DC fan.
PWM control and adjustment.
Cooling fan switch control.
Low cost, high reliability. Power supply voltage: AC/DC power supply selectable type.
Sensing method: Diffuse-reflective.
Sensing distance: 300 mm.
Output configu ration: Relay.
Long-distance Photoelectric Sensor.
That Supports AC/DC Power Supplies.
Long sensing distance that is approximately 8,
times that of our conventional model (for the,
Through-beam and Diffuse-reflective models).
(Through-beam: 40 m, Retro-reflective: 7 m, and,
Diffuse-reflective: 2.5 m.) .
Improved visibility:
A red LED that makes the spot visible.
Large indicators that can be seen even from a,
Improved operability.
(Enlarged sensitivity adjuster and operation selector)
Freely selectable power supply input (24 to 240 VDC, 24 to 240 VAC).
((Additional types added to tthe DC type lineup OMRON K3GN-NDC-L2 24VDC.)
Models with infrared LEDs are also available. Appearance: Flat,Unshielded.
Sensing distance (variable): 10 mm(4 to 10 mm).
Flat Capacitive Sensor with Separate.
Ideal for Mounting on RRobbot Hands OMRON K3GN-NDC-L2 24VDC.
Flat head is only 5.5-mm thick.
Robotics cable ensures improved flexibility.
Operation indicator on the Sensor.
Easy-to-use connector.
K3GN-NDC-L2 24VDC Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link:
/searchDownload.html?Search=K3GN-NDC-L2 24VDC&select=5