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Country: JAPAN
Model: FZ-SC2M
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Release Key Type: Standard (metal).
Wiring method: Connector.
Solenoid voltage/Indicator: 24VDC (without indicator).
Lock and release type: Solenoid lock Mechanical release.
Contact configuration (door open/closed detection switch,
and lock monitor switch contacts): 4-contact Model,
Insert the built-in switch (A, B, C, D, S, T, U or V) into the blank @ FZ-SC2M.
Conduit size (See Note.): G1/2.
World''s smallest Class 6-contact Guard Lock FZ-SC2M
Safety-door Switch.
Wiring time is reduced with two types of wiring.
methods capable of one-touch attachment and removal.
A wide variety of built-in switches can be used for various devices FZ-SC2M.
(4-, 5-, and 6-contact models are available) .
Key holding force of 1,300 N.
It is possible to change the key insertion point.
without detaching the head.
Drive solenoids directly from the Controller.
Lockout Key to prevent workers from becoming.
trapped inside the hazardous area.
The vertical D4SL Guard Lock Safety-door Switch,
can be easily mounted on 40 × 40 mm aluminum frames FZ-SC2M.
The plastic material makes the Slide Key suitable,
for lightweight doors. CV500-BS CPU Bus Unit BASIC Unit CV500-BSC41.
RS-232C: 2 ports.
Centronics: 1 port.
(w/EEPROM).Unit classification: CJ1 CPU Bus Unit.
Specifications:Equipped with Master,
and Slave functionality.
Controls for up to 32,000 points per Master.
Communications:Remote I/O Communications,
Master (fixed allocations or user-set,
allocations) Remote I/O Communications,
Slave (fixed allocations or user-set,
allocations) Message communica29A; 24V,--.
Smallest in the Industry!
A DeviceNet Unit for the,
CJ Series that Boasts Industry-leading,
Performance and Functions.
Output: SPDT.
Lighting: Incandescent lamp.
Operating voltage: 5 VAC/VDC.
Pushbutton colorsymbol: R: reed, Y: yellow; PY:: pure yellow
G: green, A: blue; W: white; PW: pure white OMRON FZ-SC2M.
Item: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Separate Construction with.
Cylindrical 16-dia. Body.
Miniature design of 28.5 mm, the smallest class in the industry.
Detaachhable Switch OMRON FZ-SC2M.
The same contacts can be used for both standard loads and microloads.
Easy-to-wire terminal arrangement.
Certified for EN 60947-5-1.
FZ-SC2M Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link: /searchDownload.html?Search=FZ-SC2M&select=5

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