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Home >> Price >> OMRON >> D4SL-2RDA-DN OMRON D4SL-2RDA-DN
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Country: JAPAN
Model: D4SL-2RDA-DN
Market price: U.S.$ 0
(The following are the market open price not sales price!)
Contact type: Microload (125 VAC, 0.1 A; 30 VDC, 0.1 A).
Operation: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Case color: Black.
Output: SPDT.
Lighting: LED; 24 VDC.
Pushbutton color symbol: R.O.G.W.
Large Square-bodied Lighted.
Pushbutton Switches.
Excellent operating sensitivity.
Excellent illumination with even surface brightness OMRON D4SL-2RDA-DN.
Three-color models (green, orange, red; chameleon lighting) D4SL-2RDA-DN
included in lineup. Contact type: Standard load (250 VAC, 2 A; 125 VDC 0.4 A).
Operation: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Output: DPDT.
Lighting: Incandescent lamp, 14 VAC/VDC.
Operation Unit color symbol: Enter the desired color symbol for the Pushbutton
n @ OMRON D4SL-2RDA-DN. R (Red); Y (Yellow); G (Green); A (Blue); W (White) .
Pushbutton Switch Series with.
Square 40-mm Body.
Combines miniature design with distinct but soft sense of operation.
Easy panel mounting from the front and simple lamp replacement.
without tools. Size: 48 x 96mm.
Ontology: terminal type, temperature input type.
Category: control output 2 point type (power supply AC100 ~ 240V) OMRON D4SL-2RDA-DN.
Shell color: black.
Control output 1: voltage output (SSR driver) .
Control output 2: high life relay output.
Control mode: standard or heating cooling.
Auxiliary output points: 3 points.
A power supply for the detection of /ES1B fault, SSR fault and heater over current for heater use.
Event entry point: 2.
Transfer output: -.
Communication: -.
The general temperature controller 96mm, 48 * 96mm square has been upgraded to improve the performance and function of /.
Indicates that the accuracy of the upgrade, increase the function of prevention and maintenance, further enhance the performance.
Add PV/SV state display function, to see the state of the thermostat
(automatic / manual, RUN/STOP, alarm), interactive display PV/SV.
Increase the number of control output ON/OFF counting function, can prevent the maintenance of temperature controller internal relay.
Increased the 3 segment display, which can display the current value / target / operation.
Increased the PF key, the distribution of automatic / manual, RUN/STOP, etc., can be a key operation. Appearance: Round/Half-guard type A22-H.
Output: SPST-NO + SPST-NO.
Operation: Momentary operation (self-resetting).
Illumination color: R (red); Y (yellow); G (green);
W (white); A (blue); B (black).
Install in 22-dia. or 25-dia. Panel Cutout.
(When Using a Ring).
Lever for easily mounting and remmoving the Switch Unit D4SL-2RDA-DN.
Increase wiring efficiency with three-row mounting of Switch Blocks.
Finger protection mechanism on Switch Unit provided as a standard feature.
Use 25-dia. ring to install in 25-dia. panel cutouts.
Mounteed using either open-type (fork-type) or closed-type D4SL-2RDA-DN.
(round-type) crimp terminals.
IP65 oil resistance (non-lighted models).
IP65 (lighted models).
D4SL-2RDA-DN Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link: /searchDownload.html?Search=D4SL-2RDA-DN&select=5

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