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OMRON E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M Price E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M

Country: JAPAN
Market price: U.S.$ 0
(The following are the market open price not sales price!)
OMRON E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M
Release Key Type: Special (resin).
Wiring method: Terminal block.
Solenoid voltage/Indicator: 24VDC (Orange).
Lock and release type: Solenoid lock Mechanical release.
Contact configuration (door open/closed detection switch,
and lock monitor switch contacts): 6-contact Model,
Insert the built-in switch (N, P, Q or R) into the blank @ E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M Price.
Conduit size (See Note.): 1/2-14NPT.
World''s smallest Class 6-contact Guard Lock E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M
Safety-door Switch.
Wiring time is reduced with two types of wiring.
methods capable of one-touch attachment and removal.
A wide variety of built-in switches can be used for various devices E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M Price.
(4-, 5-, and 6-contact models are available) .
Key holding force of 1,300 N.
It is possible to change the key insertion point.
without detaching the head.
Drive solenoids directly from the Controller.
Lockout Key to prevent workers from becoming.
trapped inside the hazardous area.
The vertical D4SL Guard Lock Safety-door Switch,
can be easily mounted on 40 × 40 mm aluminum frames E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M Price.
The plastic material makes the Slide Key suitable,
for lightweight doors . Structure: Relays with Plug-in Terminals.
Classification: Models with diode for coil surge,
absorption (DC coil specification only).
Number of poles: 1.
Power-switching Compact.
General-purpose Relays.
The standard models include models that are,
compliant with the UL, CSA, and SEV safety.
standards and with the Electrical Appliances and,
Material Safety Act.
Equipped with an arc barrier for arc interruption.
Withstand voltages up to 2,000 V.
New built-in diode and built-in CR circuit models have,
joined the series.
The lineup also includes models that are compliant,
with the LR and VDE safety standards.
Single-pole and double-pole models have AC4,
ratinggs and DC2 ratings (operating coiil ratings:
100/110 VAC, 110/120 VAC, 200/220 VAC, 220/240 VAC,
and 100/110 VDC) OMRON E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M.
Three-pole and four-pole models have AC4 ratings,
and DC2 ratings (operating coil ratings: 100/110,
VAC, 200/220 VAC and 100/110 VDDC) OMRON E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M. Cable length L: 7.0 m.
Connect Connector-Terminal,
Block Conversion Units (XW2@) to,
I/O Units for Programmable,
Controllers with one touch.
E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link: /searchDownload.html?Search=E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M&select=5

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