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Sale D2VW-5L1-1HS OMRON D2VW-5L1-1HS

Country: JAPAN
Name: Sealed Miniature Basic Switch
Model: D2VW-5L1-1HS
Market price: U.S.$ 0
(The following are the market open price not sales price!)
Control power supply voltage: 125 VDC.
Input: DC or AC (selectable); input voltage range: 10 to 300 V: Operating mode,
ON-delay; OFF-delay; Startup lock.
Overvoltage/Undervoltage Monitoring.
Relay for AC and DC Input.
Detect overvoltages or undervoltages (switch select,
able) from 4 mV to 300 V D2VW-5L1-1HS.
Detect undercurrent, reverse current, or overcurrent in,
DC circuits using shunt (SDV-FL).
Detect three-phase AC current for under and/or overcur,
rent using current converter D2VW-5L1-1HS
Available in 7 supply voltage configurations.
Single-function model with ON-delay, OFF-delay, or star,
tup lock settings (SDV-FH@T).
Select either AC or DC voltage input D2VW-5L1-1HS.
Polarity can be specified (SDV-FL) to enable easy re,
verse current detection .
Selectable reset value range from 2% to 30% of operat,
ing value (SDV-F).
LED operation indicator.
UL/CSA approval (SDV-F@). Category: incidental cover type.
Structure: DIN guide rail mounting type.
Capacity: 150W.
Output voltage: 12V.
Output current: 12.5A.
Built in OMRON''s original new under voltage detection function of small size,
Also contribute to the miniaturization of the device D2VW-5L1-1HS.
Built in support for determining the abnormal causes of the new under voltage detection function.
(S8VM- - P - 24A - racy type)
Power failure detection function with built-in hint output voltage abnormity.
(type 300/600/1500W)
A total of 8 kinds of capacity of 29 models, a complete range of products.
Meet RoHS instructions including lead free.
Humanized design of anti - shedding screw for terminal stage.
(except for the 300/600/1500W output terminals)
Support finger touch protection to prevent electric shock.
DIN guide rail simple installation.
Safety standards: CSA, C22.2 No.14/No.60950-1 UL508/60950-1,
EN50178, EN60950-1.
(300/600/1500W type, safety standard is not applicable when the fan is replaced by the customer.)
Meet F47-0200 SEMI standards. (200V input)
High harmonic current limit: EN61000-3-2. (except for type 15/30W)
Lock method: Mechanical lock.
Conduit size: G1/2.
Voltage for solenoid: 24 VDC.
Without indicator 1NC/1NO+ 1NC (Slow-action).
Release Protective Cover Locks Using.
Controller Signals or Pushbutton.
Switches after the Cutting Tool Stops.
Moving Due to Inertia.
A mechanical lock is applied automatically when the Operation.
Key is inserted. A high level of safety is achieved using a,
mechanism where the lock is only released when voltage is,
applied to the solenoid.
Conforms to EN (TÜV) standards corresponding to the CE marking.
Certified by UL, CSA and CCC standards.
The Switch contact is opened by a direct opening mechanism,
(NC contacts only) when the protective cover is opened.
Direct opening mechanism that is EN-certified is indicated by,
on the Switch.
Auxiliary release key ensures easy maintenance and unlocks the,
door in the case of a power failure.
Tough aluminum die-cast body incorporating a switch box with,
deegree of protection satisfying IP67, UL, and CSA TYPE6P, 13 OMRON D2VW-5L1-1HS.
Equipped with a horizontal and vertical conduit opening.
Models incorporating easy-to-see indicators for monitoring and,
those using an adjustable Operation Key fforr a swinging door are available OMRON D2VW-5L1-1HS.
The mounting direction of the head can be changed,
to allow the Operation Key to be inserted from four directions.
D2VW-5L1-1HS Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link: /searchDownload.html?Search=D2VW-5L1-1HS&select=5

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