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SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C OMRON SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C

Country: JAPAN
Market price: U.S.$ 0
(The following are the market open price not sales price!)
OMRON SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C
Contact type: Standard load (250 VAC, 3 A; 30 VDC, 4 A).
Operation: Alternate operation (Self-holding).
Case color: Black.
Output: SPDT.
Lighting: LED; 5 VDC.
Pushbutton color symbol: R.O.G.W.
Large Square-bodied Lighted.
Pushbutton Switches.
Excellent operating sensitivity.
Excellent illumination with even surface brightness OMRON SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C.
Three-color models (green, orange, red; chameleon lighting) SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C
included in lineup. Contact type: Standard load (250 VAC, 3 A; 30 VDC, 4 A).
Operation: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Case color: Black.
Output: DPDT.
Lighting: Chameleon; 12 VDC OMRON SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C.
Pushbutton color symbol: 1.
Large Square-bodied Lighted.
Pushbutton Switches.
Excellent operating sensitivity .
Excellent illumination with even surface brightness.
Three-color models (green, orange, red; chameleon lighting).
included in lineup. Direction of Operation Key insertion: Vertical.
Cable length: 3 m.
2NC/1NO (Slow-action).
Slim Safety Door Switches with IP67 Rating OMRON SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C.
Slim design with a width of only 17 mm.
(three-contact models).
Reversible design allowing either front or rear mounting .
Built-in Switches with two- or three-terminal contact.
construction are available.
Operation Key with rubber mounting hole to absorb vibration and shock.
IP67 degree of protection. Type: 1A contact type.
Shape: round.
Terminal shape: terminal for printed board.
Action: alternate.
Display mode: do not display.
Operation Department color: yellow.
Large capacity compact type push button switch.
Can also be used as a power switch with a large capacity cut.
Can be switched from micro load (minimum applicable load 1mA DC5V) to large capacity load. Number of beams: 66.
Protective height: 1345mm.
Model: PNP output.
Basic Type with a combination of.
performance and functionality.
Up to three sets of series-connected sensors.
The muting function is enabled simply with Muting Key Cap.
Comes standard with interlock and auxiliary output functions. Output: DPDT.
Lighting: LED (with built-in reduced-voltage lighting function).
Operating voltage: 100/110 VAC/VDC.
Pushbutton colorsymbol: R: redd, Y: yellow; PY: pure yellow
G: green, A: blue; PW: pure white; B: black *2 SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C.
Item: Alternate operation (Self-holding).
Separate Construction with.
Cylindrical 16-dia. Body.
Miniature design of 28.5 mm, the smallest class in the industry.
Detaachhable Switch SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C.
The same contacts can be used for both standard loads and microloads.
Easy-to-wire terminal arrangement.
Certified for EN 60947-5-1.
SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link: /searchDownload.html?Search=SGE-225-0-0610 00500C-00500C&select=5

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