Suitable for A/B+ Type modelsThe main controller is connected to the man-machine interface for MPI communicationPortable GP2000H series models accessories, RS-422 single head cable (10 m).Expansion module for the GP3000 access to the DeviceNet network and communication with the DeviceNet master station7 Proface PFXZGPFSR10W1. 4 inches, replace the backlight (1 / set)Portable GP2000H series models accessories, RS-422 single head cable (3 m)
PFXZGPFSR10W1COM2 terminal adapter for communication through the RS-422/485 connection7.5 inches /3.8 inches /5.7 inches, used to connect the power cord (5 / sets).When the man-machine interface is installed to the fixed panel to provide dust proof and moisture proof function. (1)A1/A2/B+ DIO Type connector (welding type) (5 / set)B/B+/C FLEX NETWORK Type connector (5)Used to prevent disconnection Proface PFXZGPFSR10W1. (1 interface, 5 / set)Touch screen anti ultraviolet protective film (1 pieces).Touch screen anti ultraviolet protective film (1 pieces).COM1 interface with the cable (RS-232C), used to connect directly to the Q series connection module (or other host)Connector for connecting DC power cord (5)Used to output the image signal from the host computer to GPThe man-machine interface directly connected MITSUBISHI electric PLC FX series CPU programming port Proface PFXZGPFSR10W1. Expansion module for the GP3000 access to the CANopen network and communication with the CANopen master stationClock battery, save system date and time when power is off Proface 10.4 inch veneer. I/O expansion module, including the 8 point relay /1 public endInput / output hybrid I/O modules, including 32 point NPN/PNP input and 32 point NPN transistor outputExtension cable for connecting USB (Type-A) interface to front panel Proface 10.4 inch veneer. The man-machine interface directly connected MITSUBISHI electric PLC Q series CPU programming port.Standard cable for connecting GP3000H adapter and GP3000H Proface 10.4 inch veneer.
Length:: 3 meters PFXZGPFSR10W1. Disposable film (5 sheets / sets) for protecting screen against contamination of human computer interface.When the man-machine interface is installed to the fixed panel for providing dust proof and moisture proof fuunction (1 pieces) Proface PFXZGPFSR10W1. USB cable fastening clip (Type-A) for preventing disconnection of connection (5 / set).Cable for connecting GP3000 to various modules