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E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M OMRON E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M

Country: JAPAN
Market price: U.S.$ 0
(The following are the market open price not sales price!)
Appearance: Standard.
Sensing method: Through-beam type (with slot).
Cable length: 2 m.
Sensing distance: 5 mm (slot width).
configuration Output: Dark-ON.
Indicator mode: No incident light.
Model: NPN output.
Slim, Compact Photomicrosensor.
that is still easy to use.
Compact, thin profile enables dense mounting OMRON E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M.
Indicator is visible from both sides.
Wide operating voltage range: 5 to 24 VDC E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M Control power supply voltage: 100/110 VAC.
Input: DC, Input voltage range, 0.2 to 12 V.
Overvoltage/Undervoltage Monitoring.
Relay for AC and DC Input.
Detect overvoltages or undervoltages (switch select,
able) from 4 mV to 300 V OMRON E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M.
Detect undercurrent, reverse current, or overcurrent in,
DC circuits using shunt (SDV-FL) .
Detect three-phase AC current for under and/or overcur,
rent using current converter.
Available in 7 supply voltage configurations.
Single-function model with ON-delay, OFF-delay, or star,
tup lock settings (SDV-FH@T).
Select either AC or DC voltage input.
Polarity can be specified (SDV-FL) to enable easy re,
verse current detection OMRON E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M.
Selectable reset value range from 2% to 30% of operat,
ing value (SDV-F) .
LED operation indicator.
UL/CSA approval (SDV-F@). Release Key Type: Special (resin).
Wiring method: Connector.
Solenoid voltage/Indicator: 24VDC (Orange).
Lock and release type: Mechanical lock Solenoid release.
Contact configuration (door open/closed detection switch,
and lock monitor switch contacts): 6-contact Model,
Insert the built-in switch (N, P, Q or R) into the blank @.
Conduit size (See Note.): G1/2.
World''s smallest Class 6-contact Guard Lock.
Safety-door Switch.
Wiring time is reduced with two types of wiring.
methods capable of one-touch attachment and removal.
A wide variety of built-in switches can be used for various devices.
(4-, 5-, and 6-contact models are available).
Key holding force of 1,300 N.
It is possible to chaange the key insertion pooint E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M.
without detaching the head.
Drive solenoids directly from the Controller.
Lockout Key to prevent workers from becoming.
trapped inside the hazardous area.
The vertical D4SL Guard Lock Saafety-door Switch,
can be easily mounted on 40 × 40 mm aluminum frames E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M.
The plastic material makes the Slide Key suitable,
for lightweight doors.

E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M Operation manual/Instructions/Model selection sample download link: /searchDownload.html?Search=E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M&select=5

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